Donald Trump is ahead of us on a thing that PT Barnum
figured out a century ago; that there is a sucker born every minute. HL Mencken
was all over it too: "No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have
searched the record for years, and employed agents to help me - has ever lost
money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain
I am not suggesting that all of Donald Trump’s supporters
are stupid. Many are, make no mistake about that. Many, many, many of them are.
And not just good old folksy, C-student stupid either. I mean full-on ice cream
cone to the forehead stupid. And while there is plenty of stupid in the Trump
camp, it does not compose anywhere near the entirety of Trump’s following. What
all Trump supporters do have in common, however, is that every one of them has
been fooled. The more you support Trump, the more you have been fooled. If you more
or less like what he says and might vote for him, you’ve been a little bit
fooled. If you have four Trump signs, one in each of the four windows of your dismal
apartment, you’ve been completely fooled.
And Donald Trump knows how to fool people. He has been
connecting with the reality TV demographic for more than a decade now; he knows
how big it is, how unfulfilled it is, how simple it prefers its truths, and how
it aches to identify the architect of its frustration. Take terrorism, for
Trump’s solution to foreign terrorism in the US is to ban
all Muslims from entering the United States. This idea resonates with the Honey
Boo Boo demographic, because most of the people who like this idea don’t fly internationally. The disruption involved in banning Muslims from entering the
United States on airplanes would cripple entire airlines, disrupt commerce and
pleasure trips to an unprecedented level, and cause phenomenal ill will across
the world, all to a net result of zero. It would be a bold gesture, yes, but
oftentimes, as in this case, boldness has stupidity as its concomitant. The
idea of banning all Muslims from travel into the United States is breathtaking
in its stupidity, and yet, it resonates.
The loyal Trumpster will stand arms akimbo with shaking head
and muttering, “Whatever it takes, man, whatever it takes.” This despite the
fact that more people are killed by armed toddlers in America than are killed
by foreign terrorists. This wildly disproportionate and illogical approach is
attractive precisely because of its boldness. Its implausibility is born of
inexperience with international travel and an understanding of how the United
States fits into it. Wholly apart from the financial, political and family
disruptions, assuming such a program could be implemented, what would be the
verification methodology? Where does it take place? Would there have to be a
new global norm for passports? Would they all need to be recalled and stamped
with the individual’s faith now? Or does the interrogation happen at the
“Mister Mohammed, are you Muslim?”
“No ma’am, I am Zoroastrian.”
“Um, quick, what’s the Avesta?”
“It is the chief Zoroastrian text.”
“Right this way, sir…”
Let’s be serious. Anyone who was trying to get in by ducking
the ban could claim to be Bahá'í. Might you encounter a discussion with an Alawite
as to whether the syncretistic aspects of the Alawites places them outside Mr.
Trump’s definition of what a Muslim is? Who is going to arbitrate all of these
theosophical quibbles? Who is going to determine that so-and-so is or isn’t a
practicing Mandaeist? There are a fair number of Yarsanists and Samaritans in
the Middle East, as well as pockets of Shabakists, Ishikists, Ali-Illahists. How
do you tell a sunny Christian from a Sunni Muslim? Okay, I’m being ridiculous,
but you get my point.
This all makes sense to Trump’s television audience though, because
if you reduce it to the rubric of “Ban All Muslims,” it takes on a simplistic,
feel-good sense of having made a bold step after all of this mealy-mouthed
pussyfooting we’ve been doing. It quickly identifies itself as a stupid idea
once you even begin to think about it, but that’s the other side of the coin Trump traffics in; the seeming fact that it doesn’t quite sound stupid
until you actually do begin to think about it. The trick then becomes to keep
people from thinking about it.
Give people an idea, a big, stupid idea, and then quickly move
on to the next big, stupid idea. Like the wall. Which sounds good to some
people. Again, until you actually start to think about it. And once you do, you
quickly realize that it is as stupid as the idea of trying to identify one and
a half billion people as being ineligible for air travel to the US. With
immigration currently at sum zero, it is something of a solution without a
problem. Add in the mass deportation component, and people like the idea even better. The
reality of a crumbling farm industry alongside parents being ripped away from
their children and loaded onto railcars is part of the not-thinking-it-through that
Trump is counting on. Again, the trick is to sum up the big,
stupid idea in three words, and then move on to the next big, stupid idea. Ban all
Muslims. Build the wall. Deport the illegals.
Trump’s trick of getting people not to think works because
it’s easy and it can feel good in the moment if you are sufficiently angry and
resentful. A powerful personality has identified the enemy and boldly pledged
that he would do something to vanquish it. Something big, something bold. And
they have faith that he can and will, because they’ve seen him perform forcefully in
Episodes of “The Apprentice” have availed them fly-on-the-wall
status, and they saw firsthand the prowess of a powerful leader. Of course it’s just a silly cardboard replica, a Potemkin village of an office environment
with no actual consequences in the downside and a sudden and unrealistic return
on the upside. No one learns a thing from it, and the only winner, as always,
is Trump himself. But this is the lazy thinking of Trump’s audience: the desire
for easily identified heroes and villains, for predictable justice in terms of consequence
and rewards.
It is easy, binary thinking. People need either to be fired
or hired. Not developed, managed or educated. Countries need to be thought of
as either good or bad and deserving of either subsidy or invasion, and not much
else in between. Through his rhetoric, Trump has instructed his slack-jawed,
doe-eyed, zombie-like followers to appeal to their basest instincts for
guidance rather than any long-codified core ethics and morality.
As rooted a thing as civic education, sports environments
and academics are, those places where most Americans learned how to get along
and work in teams, it can all fall to dust in an instant with the right appeal
to fear and resentment. Trump understands all of this. He is exploiting it, and
it is irresponsible and I think highly detestable of him. Just because you can do a thing doesn’t always mean you should, and in this case I believe he shouldn’t have, and that he has orchestrated all of this is to his great
shame. He has reawakened a sleeping giant of racism and hatred that was on its
way to across-the-board social unacceptability.
The real damage is that Trump has fooled a lot of people
into thinking that it’s okay to be judgmental, prejudiced, unforgiving, violent
and cruel. And it’s not. Trump is wrong, and his followers have been fooled.
The other piece of bad news is that when this has passed, with Trump not being
president, he is going to betray every single one of his supporters and return
to business as usual. And where will they go then?
One of my best friends from high school just happened to drive through a Muslim area of Paterson, NJ on 911. He is one of the most honest people I've ever known and one of those types that everyone loves. He has no reason to make this up and told me about it long before Trump mentioned it. Remember that cell phone cameras were in their infancy at that time, otherwise this would undoubtably have been documented, but according to him, scores of people, (Muslims), were celebrating in the streets. He said it angered him so much that it was all he could do to resist running them over. Prior to that, he was not very interested in politics and only really concerned with music. By the way, he's one of the best guitar players I've had the pleasure of both knowing and playing with. (His compositions have been published.) Trumps assertion about this has been called a lie, and politically incorrect, (a term I have loathed ever since it became part of the lexicon), but my friend can confirm that this actually happened, as it did overseas. Try and tell him that Muslims don't hate us. I would go so far to say that he is intellectually inferior to no one. A straight A student that NEVER studied, child of educators, extremely bright and totally unique-you would love him. He says that this event changed his life and he went from a liberal democrat to a conservative republican and has been ever since. He doesn't care all that much for the Donald, but he would back him up on this issue. Trumps blunt position on the subject is ringing with many and one of the main reasons he is pushing so many buttons. To be clear, most of what he says is appalling to say the least, but I can't disagree with him on this one.
ReplyDeleteExcellent piece, Chris.
ReplyDeleteDan, you scare me.
How does that relate to what the essay is about? The subject of the essay is not whether Islam preaches violence toward the west. It is that Trump followers have been fooled with regard to what to do about it. And they have been fooled, your friend included. If he believes a ban on Muslim travel to the US will impact anything with regard to foreign terrorism on US soil in the positive, then yes, he along with the rest of them has been duped, seduced by an idea, with zero discrimination regarding the “solution.” Do you think Trump is unique in his revilement of Islamic terrorism? Of course not. He is unique only in the implausibility and stupidity of his proposed remedies.
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ReplyDeleteDan, Common sense dictates that there are groups of Christian people, for instance, the KKK, that tend to hoot, holler and celebrate every time they hear of an atrocity befalling those of color. Do they represent ALL Christians? Furthermore, as sad as it is, there were fringe groups of pure-bred AMERICANS with a decided sadistic and warped view of their country and life situation that celebrated and reveled in the destruction and horror that day. Does this make ALL Americans guilty of that behavior? I have no doubt that there are pockets of twisted fucks from every background, nationality, race and religion, that feel a tinge of pleasure every time there is a major atrocity....I also have no doubt that many Muslims were not celebrating that event on that day! Many Muslims were horrified, saddened and disgusted with the acts of those people on that day.Let's just not let our fears get this shit twisted....OK?
ReplyDeleteGood essay, Chris. You're right: easily-fooled Americans don't do nuance very well. Governments and policy-makers, on the other hand, have to wrestle with enormously complex and difficult issues, for which there are often only least-bad solutions. I hope we can give the alien concept of wisdom alive in the United States. The time is so ripe for another massive foreign policy blunder. BTW, in case you haven't seen it, here's a link to a two-part essay by Alistair Crooke, which I found very helpful in understanding the roots of Da'ish . . .
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, and for your thoughts. I miss everyone back there...